Content items
Item information in overview, item information in detail page, rating
Main information

Title: The title is on top of the item. It's either parsed from the RSS feed or from the website.
About sentence: A short summary of the item. Users without a premium account see the first sentence instead.
Link: The link to the original website. Opens the website in a new tab.
Subscription: To the right of the link is the name of the subscription the item comes from.
Reading time: The reading time of the item. For YouTube videos it's the length of the video.
Summary button: On click opens a longer (1-2 paragraphs) summary of the item. Only for premium users.
Date: The date of the item. Which date is displayed depends on the date that is used for sorting on the page.

It is always possible to add tags. To remove a tag, click on it.
The other available actions depend on the content state.
- New items: bookmark, archive, dismiss
- Bookmarked items: archive, dismiss
- Archived items: bookmark, dismiss
- Dismissed items: bookmark, archive
Content states
There are four different content states: new, bookmarked, archived, and dismissed. The line below each item indicates the state of the item.
New items are shown in the inbox. Anytime a feed publishes new content or a newsletter is sent, it will be added in the new

Bookmarked items are shown in the library.

Archived items are shown in the archive.

Dismissed items are also shown in the archive, but have to be enabled.

There are four different date states: added, published, bookmarked, and archived.
- Added is the date the item was added to the account.
- Published is the date the item was published. This information is not always available, if it's not then the date of the feed item or the added date are used as fallback, in order.
- Bookmarked is the date the user bookmarked the item. Is only available if the item was bookmarked once. Therefore sorting by bookmarked date is only possible in the library.
- Archived is the date the user archived or dismissed the item. Is only available if the item was archived or dismissed once. Therefore sorting by archived date is only possible in the archive.