May 28, 2024Product

Overview of content

In the inbox and library content is displayed with various (meta) information.

Title of the content. If you click on it you get to the reading view.
About sentence is an AI generated sentence describing the content. Often the title is misleading, or doesn't provide enough information. The about sentence adds more insight into content. (only available with Premium plan)
Summary button lets you show an AI generated summary. (only available with Premium plan)
Link is a link to the original website**,** for web content. For newsletters, it shows the name of the newsletter.
Topic shows you how content is classified. (only available with Premium plan)
Duration gives you an indication how long it'd take to read through content. For videos and podcasts it's the length of the video.
Date shows you when content was added.
Tags can be added manually, or to subscriptions, in which case they are auto-added to all content coming from these subscriptions.